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TB Notes

Page history last edited by Justina Novak 7 years, 3 months ago




TB Notes is a newsletter published by the CDC with 6 issues a year. TB Notes contains news about the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination’s activities and highlights from state and local TB programs across the country.


Current and archived TB Notes Newsletters are located here: https://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/newsletters/default.htm 


TB PEN members are encouraged to submit articles.  There are typically 150-250 words per article using plain language.   The inclusion of a picture or photo related to your article submission is prefered. 

Two ways to submit and article:

  • Submit bullet points to CDC Staff for them to develop the article for you.  
  • Submit your own completed article. 

Due dates:  For the CDC Staff to craft the article they will need an extra week.  Two due dates are given for each publication issue, one for the articles you'd like assistance with and the other for those articles that you submit completely edited and ready to publish. 


 Interested in submitting an article?  Please send TB Notes submissions or questions to: tbpen@cdc.gov


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