Treatment Initiation


Treatment Initiation


 Low Incidence States



Treatment Consent Form

The primary focus areas of this tool are informed consent, patient education/safety, and liability. This tool is to be used by nurses and case managers when initiating treatment with a patient. A copy of the signed document can be provided to the patient as a resource for when adverse treatment effects occur. The primary targets for this tool are those patients with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) or active tuberculosis disease (ATBD). Questions regarding this tool may be referred to Larry Niler at


Medium Incidence States


High Incidence States




TN Treatment Initiation

This database was developed to answer the following questions for active TB cases with a positive sputum smear: How many patients with a positive sputum smear were started on treatment?  How many were started within 7 days of collection of sputum?  This tool requires quantitative analysis and ability to run reports from NEDSS and add formulas to an excel spreadsheet.  No additional training is needed.  Tennessee uses this tool weekly and does not plan to revise it.  If you have questions regarding this tool please contact Jason Cummins at